in the media

Daniel breaks down four popular myths related to #fentanyl and the overdose crisis.
Daniel on the addicted mind podcast
Daniel Snyder & Arianna Wingfield discuss the ongoing overdose crisis in BC, Canada.
Stigma keeps people hidden and often reduces them to one word labels.
Podcast interview with Daniel: Part 1: “The Hard Part is Finding Out Why”
Podcast interview with Daniel: Part 2 “A Refreshing alternative”
Podcast: Daniel interviewed about SMART recovery vs 12 steps
Local news article related to a fatal youth overdose.
Local news article related to Intl. Overdose Awareness Day
A quick refresher on how to administer injectable naloxone (narcan) in the case of an opioid overdose.
I spent 15 years in a severe heroin addiction. I was always employed & housed. Addiction is NOT JUST about homelessness, needles and back alleys.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick… Struggling with addiction? Weighed down by the mantra of ‘once an addict always an addict’?